TSteel Software.
A company born to make things easier.

TSteel 3D is a structural steel modeling software developed in Brazil to meet market needs. With a history that began in 2016, TSteel 3D started as a tool for visualization, material takeoff, and basic geometry creation.

Today, TSteel 3D is a comprehensive design tool, capable of modeling structures in both 3D and 2D, performing any type of cut, inserting bolted or welded connections, and automating connections with macros. Additionally, TSteel 3D is compatible with major software in the market and is available in both English and Portuguese. As a continually growing 100% Brazilian company, TSteel 3D offers an affordable and efficient design alternative for structural steel modeling.

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TSteel 3D
Olá, É muito bom ter você aqui!

O TSteel 3D é uma solução econômica para desenhos de estruturas metálicas, que atende os mais exigentes requisitos da engenharia.
De fácil aprendizado, o TSteel 3D é compatível com as mais modernas plataformas utilizadas atualmente.

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