TSteel 3D is already a comprehensive modeler for steel structures and continues to grow rapidly.
You can design a warehouse roof, a process building (mining, chemical industries, pulp and paper, etc…), a multi-story building or special works.
Modeling structures in TSteel 3D is very easy and intuitive. Anyone with experience in other modeling software will adapt very quickly.
TSteel users include factories (small, medium and large) and design offices that use TSteel for detailing and executive design of the most diverse structures.
TSteel 3D uses a powerful graphics API that can handle heavy models easily, even with more modest hardware configurations.
TSteel imports and exports models in DWG and IFC format, and syncronizes models from Tekla® in any version.
It generates DWG drawings and has an API that allows you to implement whatever you want using C#.
The viewer version is free, meaning you can share your models with clients, assemblers or factories without any additional license costs.
We understand the importance of training and support, which is why we take special care with this matter.
TSteel 3d offers video courses for you and your team to study online at the most convinient time. We have courses for:
Any software nowadays needs to meet market demands regarding compatibility and technology with other BIM software.
TSteel 3D meets all these demands with IFC file import and export capabilities and can handle libraries of profiles, materials and bolts used our segment.
Share your models from other platforms, such as Revit®, Tekla®, PDMS®, E3D® and others…