Courses offered by TSteel 3D Software

Currently, all our online courses are exclusively in Portuguese. We are actively seeking partners in the United States who are willing to record our courses in English. At present, we offer online courses ranging from basic to advanced levels. For English-speaking users, we currently only have the user manual available, which has been translated.

Free basic modeling course

The first level in learning 3D modeling, this course shows how to use the software to create columns, beams, conections, and more. This course is ideal for the trial period, serving to understand how the software works and its potential.

Advanced Modeling Course

For those who have a license and have already completed the basic course. Two real projects will be developed from start to finish, demonstrating how to use the software. The advanced course is offered through the online learning platform and is available for free to those with an active license.
Already have a license and interested in the advanced course? Request your enrollment via email.

Curso de desenhos

The Drawing Course shows how TSteel generates drawings from the 3D model. The course will cover piece numbering, which is necessary for drawing generation, and how to create fabrication, assembly, and project drawings. 
Learn how to include standardized formats, add dimensions, incorporate part attributes, insert automatic cuts, detailed enlargements, and more.

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TSteel 3D
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O TSteel 3D é uma solução econômica para desenhos de estruturas metálicas, que atende os mais exigentes requisitos da engenharia.
De fácil aprendizado, o TSteel 3D é compatível com as mais modernas plataformas utilizadas atualmente.

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